
Oral Surgery in Encinitas

Zirconia dental implants

Allergic to metal or simply want a more natural-looking implant option? Zirconia implants in Encinitas, CA offer you a number of advantages: they’re metal-free and biocompatible, won’t cause any of the discolorations that titanium implants can, and are corrosion and bacteria-resistant.

If you’re in the market for a zirconia implant, you can speak with your dental implants dentist, and we can work together to determine the right type of implant for you.

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cavitation treatment

Cavitation occurs when an unhealed hole in your jawbone (usually resulting from an extraction) is compromised by bacteria, resulting in chronic irritation and/or infection.

This can be caused by a tooth extraction that left the periodontal ligament and previous blood supply around the tooth intact. If you are seeking cavitation therapy in Encinitas, CA, Dr. Vane is expertly trained in numerous specialized techniques that will restore your smile back to its optimal function and look.

Dr. Nicole Vane with a patient

Natural Materials, Better Results

platelet-rich fibrin

In some dental procedures, such as extractions, the materials commonly used come from cadavers or cow bone. Not only does that sound gross, but these materials are not always compatible with some patients.

The alternative? Materials that are 100% compatible with you, since they’re made of your own blood. Even better is we can make Platelet Rich Fibrin materials right here in the office. We are one of the only practices in Encinitas that offer these biocompatible, natural materials. If you're looking for a natural dentist in Encinitas, CA, get the highest quality materials made for you, by you.

bone grafts

 If you need a bone graft to regrow bone when placing a dental implant or after a tooth extraction, it’s worth having a conversation with your dentist in Encinitas about your options.

Traditional bone grafts don’t typically have a high success rate, as they’re made from cow, cadaver or synthetic materials. The alternative? PRF materials made from your own blood.  That means they are 100% compatible with you. If you're seeking this holistic approach, a biological dentist in Encinitas, CA can provide treatments aimed at giving you bone strong enough to place an implant long-term.

Portrait of Dr. Nicole Vane of Moonlight Beach Dental

Frequently Asked Questions

Our priority is to keep you informed, every step of the way. Here are a few questions that our patients frequently ask.

What is a cavitation?

A cavitation occurs when an unhealed hole in your jawbone is compromised by bacteria, resulting in chronic irritation and/or infection. This is often caused by an extraction that left the periodontal ligament and previous blood supply around the tooth.

Why would you have a tooth extracted?

The decision to pull a tooth is a very important and permanent one. Teeth need to be removed due to fracture, failed root canals, infection, or lack of room in the arches (wisdom teeth or orthodontic extractions).

When the dentist removed the tooth, they are taught to “wiggle “ the tooth out by pushing or pulling it out with instruments, or, at worst, cutting it out of the bone if the tooth is difficult to remove.

Why would a dentist leave a periodontal ligament behind?

Most of the time, dentists are trained to leave it behind, to be re-absorbed by the body as part of the healing process.

Why could this be a problem?

The most common problem with this is when bacteria invade the hole prior to it being covered with tissue.

Visually, it will appear normal, but inside, it can become chronically irritated and/or infected.

These dental focal infections can include impacted wisdom teeth, incompletely extracted wisdom (and other) teeth, failed root canals, failed dental implants, and devitalized teeth (from deep fillings, crowns or physical trauma).

Why are dental focal infections difficult to diagnose?

What makes chronic dental focal infections so particularly difficult to diagnose is their relative silence in the mouth. That is, in contrast to acute illnesses such as ear infections that can feel quite fiery and hot, typically dental foci “smolder” for years, manifesting only mild and intermittent symptoms of pain and swelling.

How would you know if you had a cavitation?

To diagnose, a special digital scan called a cone beam takes a 3D image of your entire head. This is performed at an imaging center. It is similar to an MRI of your skull, which allows the doctor to see your entire upper and lower jaw, including the sinus, in small slices and from all angles.

Wave and Moon | Moonlight Beach Dental Savings Plan | Dentist in Encinitas CA

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At Moonlight Beach Dental, we believe that quality dental care shouldn’t break the bank. That’s why we’ve created the Moonlight Beach Dental Savings Plan. This membership is a yearly treatment plan that saves you over $800 every year on dental services that you need to keep a beautiful, healthy smile.